Thread or Spider Veins

Varicose, thread and spider veins can develop for a variety of reasons, most often in the legs. They can make you feel like hiding your legs away, but that doesn’t have to be the case! If you’re feeling self-conscious about your veins, treatments are available.

How we can treat your thread veins

Laser and IPL

We can perform highly effective laser or IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) vein removal treatments. They both dramatically reduce the appearance of your veins. Laser is used to treating the veins on the legs and face and IPL is used to treat the veins on the upper body.

Advanced Electrolysis

We can also provide Advanced Electrolysis, which treats the vein with a tiny current of electricity to cauterise the area.


Sclerotherapy is another alternative. During this treatment, we inject the veins with a solution called fibrovein. It collapses the veins before the body naturally flushes them away. The results are usually immediate and one treatment is often enough to achieve a highly satisfying result, however, more sessions may be needed for larger areas of vessels.

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What are thread, spider and varicose veins?

Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins. They often protrude beyond the skin’s surface and can be dark blue, red or skin-coloured in appearance. Thread veins (or spider veins, as they are also called) are like varicose veins but are much smaller and as such require different treatment. Spider veins are veins that branch off others and appear to have a spider-like appearance.

What causes thread veins?

Thread (or spider) veins tend to develop as we age. They appear when our skin and blood vessels lose elasticity. Hormonal changes, due to pregnancy or menopause, for example, can lead to thread veins. Standing for prolonged amounts of time and frequent flying can also cause thread veins to form.

Lifestyle choices can also be an influential factor. For example, too much exposure to the sun, wind or extreme temperatures can cause spider veins to develop. Unfortunately, thanks to your genes, you can even inherit your family’s susceptibility to these little veins.

Tips for dealing with thread veins

There are several changes you can make to help prevent varicose veins from forming or becoming worse:

  • Try to avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time. Make sure you take breaks during the day and try to walk more if you have an office job. Likewise, if you have a really active day, remember to rest
  • Try to avoid crossing your legs
  • Take part in regular physical activities to help your blood move through your veins
  • Wear compression hosiery when flying
  • Seek professional advice from one of our expert practitioners